? My Two Cents March 2010

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My Two Cents

by Rev Chuck Behrens


October, 2016

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Psssssssst. . .Seasons are changing but it doesn't remind me of but of one Movie. Now I don't do movie reviews, and I sure don't recommend many movies. But there is one they keep showing on TV over and over again, because it's got a lot of laughs in it. It's called "Ground Hog Day" with Bill Murray. If you saw it, you know the plot. He's this not very nice TV weath-erman who goes to Punxsutawney, PA to broadcast that American tradition that comes from there. We're supposed to be able to predict whether or not there will be six more weeks of winter weather based on whether or not the ground hog sees his shadow on February 2nd.

Anyway, the weatherman, who has a serious attitude problem, wakes up at 6:00 a.m. the next day, only to experience ex-actly the same events he did the day before. And every new morning, the clock radio goes off at 6:00 a.m. and awakens him to the same old song, "I Got You, Babe" by Sonny and Cher. And day after day, he sees the same people; he experi-ences the same relationships, the same places, the same rhythm - even down to the guy in the diner dropping a plate the same time each day. It becomes very frustrating - experiencing the same day over and over again.

The plot of the movie obviously is fantasy. The plight of having the same day over and over again is reality for a lot of peo-ple. In some ways, it might describe how your life feels right now, even though we've just jumped into Fall. Life has taken on this monotonous sameness ---a predictability. It seems like no matter what happens, or who happens, you have the feel-ing of "been there, done that." Maybe your life seems to be suffering from a meaning deficit.

Actually, life was never meant to be monotonous. After all, your life was given to you by a God who creates blazing sunsets and fall colors, people with fingerprints that are like no one else who has ever been born, galaxies, comets and supernovas. Now would a Creator with that kind of creativity create us to have days that all seem the same? The only reason life would be like that is if we are, in reality, trying to live without our Creator...or trying to be Him.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, steps into our hunger for something more meaningful and more colorful when He gives us our word for today from the Word of God in John 10:10. Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Now obviously, Jesus isn't talking about life in the sense of eating, breathing, and existing. We already have that kind of life. He's talking about life that's fulfilling, challenging, and satisfying--life to the fullest.
We don't have life like that because we don't have the Life-Giver. According to God's Book, the Bible, you and I have, in fact, taken our life out of our Creator's hands and put it in our own. In the Bible that's called sin. In God's words we are, "without hope and without God" (Ephesians 2:12).

It all seems so empty. Everyone seems as trapped in meaninglessness as you do. There seems to be no hope. Until you let Jesus Christ reconnect you to the God you have sinned against. Jesus died on that cross to pay for the sin that separates us from God. And when we put our trust in Him to take down the wall between us and God, He starts to infuse our days with a sense of meaning and destiny which you were created for. Each day you're discovering a little more of who we were born to be...Kind of like the freshness of the changing of the Seasons or just the newness of a new day.

While our environment may be pretty much the same every day, our INVIRONMENT-- what's in us---is experiencing ever new experiences of God's love, God's joy, God making a difference in our lives, God making a difference through our lives.

Maybe we've never begun this relationship that is what we were made for. In the Bible's words, we were "created by Him and for Him" but we've not really had Him in the leadership of our lives. Can we trust Him? He loved us enough to die for us. He'll change things we can't change because He was powerful enough to walk out of His grave and He's ready to walk into our lives yet once again, even though we've either shown him the door countless times, or worse, not even opened it up at all.

Our lives were never meant to be small. There is something so much bigger--days where we are finally experiencing the One we were created by, and the One we were created for. Talk about a new day. . .Talk about the real changing of SEASONS.

See you in Church,

Rev. Chuck
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